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de Gaulle, Charles (-André-Marie-Joseph)


法國軍人、政治人物和法蘭西第五共和(Fifth Republic)的建立者。1913年加入軍隊,在第一次世界大戰時表現優異。1925年被提拔為最高作戰會議參謀。1940年晉升中校,短暫出任雷諾(Paul Reynaud)政府的陸軍部副部長。在法國被德國佔領後,他前往英國,開展自由法國(Free French)運動。他致力於解放法國的復國大業,1943年把自由法國總部從倫敦移到阿爾及爾,就任法國民族解放委員會(French Committee of National Liberation)主席(最初與吉羅〔Henri Honore Giraud〕同任主席)。巴黎解放後,他返抵國門,接連兩屆擔任臨時政府首腦,1946年辭職。他反對第四共和(Fourth Republic),1947年發起法國人民聯盟(Rally of the French People〔RPF〕)的群眾運動,但在1953年斷絕與它的聯絡。他退出政治舞臺後,開始撰寫回憶錄。1958年5月阿爾及爾爆發動亂,有引起法國內戰的危險,於是他再度復出。6月1日就任總理,擁有權力修改憲法。12月21日當選為法國新的第五共和總統,成為一個強勢的總統。他結束了阿爾及利亞戰爭(Algerian War),並讓非洲領地獨立為十二個國家。他讓法國退出北大西洋公約組織,在越戰時,政策保持中立,但看得出有很多地方反對美國主義。他開始緩和與鐵幕國家的關係,並周遊各地,與法語系國家廣泛結盟。1968年5月爆發學生和工人運動引起內政不安後,1969年4月舉行一次憲法修正案公投時,結果失敗,他辭職下臺。


de Gaulle, Charles (-André-Marie-Joseph)

French soldier, statesman, and architect of France's Fifth Republic. He joined the army in 1913 and fought with distinction in World War I. He was promoted to the staff of the supreme war council in 1925. In 1940 he was promoted to brigadier general and served briefly as undersecretary of state for defense under Paul Reynaud. After the fall of France to the Germans, he left for England and started the Free French movement. Devoted to France and dedicated to its liberation, he moved to Algiers in 1943 and became president of the French Committee of National Liberation, at first jointly with Henri Honore Giraud. After the liberation of Paris, he returned and headed two provisional governments, then resigned in 1946. He opposed the Fourth Republic, and in 1947 he formed the Rally of the French People (RPF), but severed his connections with it in 1953. He retired from public life and wrote his memoirs. When an insurrection in Algeria threatened to bring civil war to France, he returned to power in 1958, as prime minister with powers to reform the constitution. That same year he was elected president of the new Fifth Republic, which ensured a strong presidency. He ended the Algerian War and transformed France's African territories into 12 independent states. He withdrew France from NATO, and his policy of neutrality during the Vietnam War was seen by many as anti-Americanism. He began a policy of détente with Iron Curtain countries and traveled widely to form a bond with French-speaking countries. After the civil unrest of May 1968 by students and workers, he was defeated in a referendum on constitutional amendments and resigned in 1969.
