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be careful with和be careful of的區別

欄目: 教育 / 釋出於: / 人氣:9.07K

兩者區別:be careful with表示做某事時很小心、仔細或對某人某物很關心。with後接名詞或動名詞,be careful of意思是當心;留意;注意,後接名詞、動名詞或從句,形容人很細心。

be careful with和be careful of的區別

be careful with造句:

You are careful with my cat。你對我的貓很關心。

We've got to be careful with everything we do。我們做任何事都要仔細。

Be careful with that 's got a keen edge。小心那把刀子,他有銳利的鋒刃。

be careful with和be careful of的區別 第2張

be careful of造句:

Be careful of the dog,it sometimes bites people。當心那條狗,它有時候會咬人。

Be careful of that sinister man,He is dangerous。留意那個陰險的人,他很危險。

You must be careful of your health。你一定要注意你的健康。
