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Magellan, Ferdinand


葡萄牙語作Fern?o de Magalh?es

西班牙語作Fernando de Magallanes

葡萄牙航海家和探險家。出身貴族家庭,1505年起參加前往東印度和非洲的探險。曾兩度要求國王曼努埃爾一世賜給他一個較高的職位,但均遭到拒絕。1517年返回西班牙,為國王查理一世(後來的查理五世)服務,提出向西開闢通往摩鹿加(香料島)的航道,以證明西班牙不屬於葡萄牙的領地。1519年他帶領五艘船和兩百七十名船員離開塞維拉(塞維爾)。他航行至南美洲,途中鎮壓了水手的一次叛變,最終發現了麥哲倫海峽。他與剩下的三艘船穿過「南海」(後來被他稱為「太平洋」,因為他們平安地穿過了這片海)。他在菲律賓被當地人殺害,但他的兩艘船到達了摩鹿加,其中一艘「維多利亞號」由埃爾卡諾(J. de Elcano, 1476年~1526)帶領繼續向西回到西班牙,在1522年完成首次環球航行。


Magellan, Ferdinand

Spanish Fernando de MagallanesPortuguese navigator and explorer. Born to the nobility, Magellan from 1505 served in expeditions to the East Indies and Africa. Having twice asked King Manuel I for a higher rank and been refused, he went to Spain in 1517 and offered his services to King Charles I (later Emperor Charles V), proposing to sail west to the Moluccas (Spice Islands) to prove that they lay in Spanish rather than Portuguese territory. In 1519 he left Sevilla (Seville) with five ships and 270 men. He sailed around South America, quelling a mutiny on the way, and discovered the Strait of Magellan. With three ships left, Magellan crossed the “Sea of the South,” which he later called the Pacific Ocean because of their calm crossing. He was killed by natives in the Philippines, but two of his ships reached the Moluccas, and one, the Victoria, commanded by Juan de Elcano (1476?-1526), continued west to Spain, accomplishing the first circumnavigation of the world in 1522.
