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Baybars I,亦作Baibars I。


最着名的马木路克王朝苏丹(参阅Mamluk regime)。他是钦察土耳其人,1240年代蒙古人入侵後被卖为奴。最後替埃及阿尤布王朝的苏丹服务,苏丹把他送去接受军事训练。1250年他的军队捕获了率领十字军的法国国王路易九世,同年,他与其他一些马木路克军官谋杀了阿尤布王朝的末代苏丹。1260年他谋杀了第三代马木路克苏丹後自立为王。即位後着手重建所有被蒙古人摧毁的叙利亚城堡要塞,并整建苏丹王国的军备。他夺取了十字军所占领的地区,以後十字军再也没有收复过失地。他骚扰掠夺波斯境内的蒙古人,攻击他们的盟友基督教亚美尼亚人,还伪装与金帐汗国的蒙古人联盟来反对他们。他将军事远征延伸到努比亚和利比亚。他与亚拉冈的詹姆斯一世、莱昂和卡斯提尔的阿方索十世、安茹的查理以及拜占庭帝国皇帝维持良好的外交关系。在国内,他开凿运河,并在开罗修建一座以其名字命名的大清真寺,在开罗与大马士革之间建立一套有效的邮递服务。最後因误饮一杯准备毒死别人的酒而过世。


Baybars I

Most eminent Mamluk sultan (see Mamluk regime). A Kipchak Turk, he was sold as a slave after a Mongol invasion in the 1240s. He ended up in the service of the Ayyubid sultan of Egypt (see Ayyubid dynasty), who gave him military training. In 1250 his army captured the crusader king louis IX, and he and other Mamluk officers murdered the last Ayyubid sultan. He himself took the throne in 1260, when he murdered the third Mamluk sultan. As sultan he rebuilt the Syrian fortresses that had been destroyed by the Mongols and built up the sultanate's armaments. He seized territory from the crusaders that they were never to recover. He harried the Persian Mongols, attacking their allies, the Christian Armenians, and forging an alliance with the Mongols of the Golden Horde against them. He sent military expeditions into Nubia and Libya. He had diplomatic relations with James I of Aragon, Alfonso X of León and Castile, and Charles of Anjou, as well as with the Byzantine emperor. At home he built canals and the great mosque in Cairo that bears his name, and established efficient postal service between Cairo and Damascus. He died after drinking poison prepared for someone else.

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