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Harrison, William Henry


美國第九任總統(1841)。出身於維吉尼亞的一個政治世家。十八歲入伍,在鹿寨戰役中擔任韋恩將軍的副官。1798年任西北地區的部長,1800年任新設的印第安納準州州長。為了安撫白人移民的情緒,與印第安人簽定條約,從其手中掠奪了數百萬土地。1811年特庫姆塞發動叛變,哈利生率領美軍在蒂珀卡努戰役中擊潰他們。從此,美國人把他當作一個英雄人物。1812年戰爭爆發後,哈利生升為准將,在安大略的泰晤士河戰役中擊敗英軍及其印第安盟軍。戰後,他定居俄亥俄州,很快成為輝格黨的顯赫人物。歷任美國眾議院議員(1816~1819)、參議院議員(1825~1828)。1836年輝格黨提名他為總統候選人,但競選失敗。1840年與泰勒搭檔競選總統,以宣傳強調哈利生在開闢疆土方面的豐功偉績,喊出口號:「Tippecanoe and Tyler too.」(即蒂珀卡努勝利,與泰勒合作也會勝利),因而競選成功。1841年3月舉行總統就職典禮時,正值春寒料峭,六十八歲的他脱掉帽子,不穿大衣發表就職演説,因而引起肺炎,一個月後去世,是美國第一個死於任上的總統。


Harrison, William Henry

Ninth president of the U.S. (1841). Born in Charles City Co., Va., to a political family, he enlisted in the army at 18 and served under Anthony Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. In 1798 he became secretary of the Northwest Territories, and in 1800 governor of the new Indiana Territory. In response to pressure from white settlers, he negotiated treaties with the Indians that ceded millions of acres of additional land to the U.S. When Tecumseh organized an uprising in 1811, Harrison led a U.S. force to defeat the Indians at the Battle of Tippecanoe, a victory that largely established his reputation in the public mind. In the War of 1812 he was made a brigadier general and defeated the British and their Indian allies at the Battle of the Thames in Ontario. After the war he moved to Ohio, where he became prominent in the Whig Party. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1816-19) and Senate (1825-28). As the Whig candidate in the 1836 presidential election, he lost narrowly. In 1840 he and his running mate, John Tyler, won election with a slogan emphasizing Harrison's frontier triumph: “Tippecanoe and Tyler too.” The 68-year-old Harrison delivered his inaugural speech without a hat or overcoat in a cold drizzle, contracted pneumonia, and died one month later, the first president to die in office.
