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猶太民族主義運動,目標是在猶太人的古代故鄉巴勒斯坦創立和維持一個猶太民族國家。16和17世紀出現許多「彌賽亞」,努力勸説猶太人「返回」巴勒斯坦。然而,18世紀末這種想法逐漸消失。在東歐的集體迫害是錫安的熱愛者來促進猶太農民和工匠定居巴勒斯坦。赫茨爾(Theodor Herzl)認為同化是十分可取的,但監於反猶主義,是不可能實現的。因此,他主張在巴勒斯坦為猶太人建立家園。1897年他在巴塞爾召集第一次猶太復國主義大會。第一次世界大戰後,猶太復國主義運動隨着「巴爾福宣言」(Balfour Declaration)重拾動力。1914年在巴勒斯坦約有九萬猶太人,1933年上升為23.8萬人。阿拉伯人堅決反對猶太復國主義,英國人設法調和阿拉伯人與猶太復國主義者的要求,都未成功。猶太復國主義的成就是於1948年建立了以色列。亦請參閲Ben-Gurion, David、Jabotinsky, Vladimir、Irgun Zvai Leumi和Hagana。



Jewish nationalism movement with the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. In the 16th-17th century, a number of “messiahs” tried to persuade the Jews to return to Palestine, but by the late 18th century interest had largely faded. Pogroms in Eastern Europe led to formation of the “Lovers of Zion,” which promoted the settlement of Jewish farmers and artisans in Palestine. In the face of persistent anti-Semitism, Theodor Herzl advocated a Jewish state in Palestine. He held the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. After World War I the movement picked up momentum with the issuing of the Balfour Declaration. The Jewish population in Palestine increased from 90,000 in 1914 to 238,000 in 1933. The Arab population resisted Zionism, and the British tried unsuccessfully to reconcile Jewish and Arab demands. Zionism achieved its goal with the creation of Israel in 1948. See also Alliance Israélite Universelle, David Ben-Gurion, Hagana, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Irgun Zvai Leumi.