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古代高卢和不列颠群岛的塞尔特人之宗教信仰与仪式。塞尔特人的宗教崇拜,集中於「另一世界」(神素)与自然世界间的交互作用。他们相信在井、泉、河流及山丘中,均住有gs-026n-0.html" target="_blank" >守护神,且大多是女性。在塞尔特男神中,以太阳神卢古斯(Lugus)为最重要,精通工艺。另一个重要的神是塞尔农诺斯(Cernunnos),为具鹿角的万兽之神。在所有女神当中,以牝马女神为最有势力,她在各地有不同的称呼︰在高卢称依波那(Epona),在爱尔兰称玛查(Macha),而在不列颠则称里安农(Rhiannon)。众女神经常以三种外貌或三位一组的方式出现。其宗教祭司是德鲁伊特,他们保持一种口传传统形式,未留下任何的书写资料。常举行的季节性礼拜仪式有两个︰一为11月1日的亡人节;另一为5月1日的贝勒努斯神节。他们还认为某些树木是神圣的,如栎树、冬青和槲寄生。塞尔特人对死後灵魂转生也有强烈的信仰。


Celtic religion

Beliefs and practices of the ancient Celts of Gaul and the British Isles. Celtic worship centered on the interplay of the divine element with the natural world. Springs, rivers, and hills were thought to be inhabited by guardian spirits, usually female. Some gods were widely worshiped; lesser deities were associated with particular tribes or places. The most honored god was Lugus, who was skilled in all the arts. Cernunnos was lord of the animals; the goddess of mares and fertility was called Epona (Gaul), Macha (Ireland), or Rhiannon (Britain). Goddesses often came in groups of three. The priests of Celtic religion were the Druids; they maintained an oral tradition and left no writings. Seasonal festivals included Samhain (November 1), which marked summer's end and served as a feast of the dead, and Beltane (May 1). Oak trees, holly, and mistletoe were considered sacred. The Celts believed in life after death as well as transmigration of souls. See also Bran, Brigit.

Tags:塞尔特 宗教