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例句:We will be with you soon。很快我們會和你們在一起。



They were soon blotted out by the night。他們很快就消失在夜色中了。

Time zipped by and the year was soon over。光陰荏苒,轉瞬又是一年。

He must soon know what has happened。他肯定很快就會知道發生的事情?

The rebellion was soon stamped on by the army。軍隊很快平息了叛亂。

soon的比較級和最高階 第2張

I was soon to revert to these matters。我不久還要重新談到這些事情。

He felt shame as soon as he had spoken。話一出口,卻又覺得挺丟人的。

The cows will be in for milking soon。奶牛一會兒就趕回來等待擠奶。

I remarked the heat as soon as i entered the room。一進房間就覺得熱。