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日本的繪畫、書法、雕塑以及其他美術和裝飾藝術品之統稱。日本視覺藝術品以其色彩濃重而富於生命力見長。它深受中國視覺藝術和佛像畫法的影響。中國單色的水墨畫與書法作品對日本繪畫的發展扮演了重要作用。日本人醉心於從自然中作出抽象的喜好,在16~18世紀的屏風畫中表現得淋漓盡致。約在同一時期,還出現了木刻版畫,以後發展成為大眾所喜愛的彩色浮世繪。日本最早的雕塑作品是小泥人像(稱作「埴輪」),後來以木雕佛像為主題。自8世紀起,中國的柱桁架構營造風格較本土建築形式更受歡迎(參閱Chinese architecture)。日本人還以裝飾藝術聞名,尤以陶器、景泰藍和漆器的花飾更享盛名;不過顯然受大陸影響之處頗多,發展了獨特的本土陶器風格。亦請參閱Fujiwara style、Hiroshige Ando、Hokusai、Ike Taiga、ikebana、Jocho、Jogan style、Kaikei、Ogata Kenzan、Okumura Masanobu、paper folding、scroll painting、Tempyo style、Tori style、Unkei、Utamaro。


Japanese art

Painting, sculpture, architecture, calligraphy, and other fine and decorative arts produced in Japan. Characterized by their vibrancy, life, and color, they have been strongly influenced by Chinese visual arts and Buddhist iconography. The Chinese style of monochrome ink painting and calligraphy greatly influenced the development of Japanese painting. A fascination with abstraction from nature is most notable in screen and panel paintings of the 16th-18th century and in the polychrome woodcut, which evolved into the popular ukiyo-e print. Early Japanese sculpture featured small clay figures and carved wooden statues of Buddhist subjects. The Chinese post-and-beam style overshadowed most indigenous forms of architecture (see Chinese architecture). The Japanese are renowned for their pottery, cloisonné, lacquerwork, and other decorative arts; despite influence by continental styles, a distinctive indigenous pottery developed. See also Fujiwara style, Hiroshige Ando, Hokusai, Ike no Taiga, ikebana, Jocho, Jogan style, Kaikei, Ogata Kenzan, Okumura Masanobu, paper folding, scroll painting, Tempyo style, Tori style, Unkei, Utamaro.

Tags:藝術 日本